In our conception of things: Formation is not just a step of integration. It means being close to our employees when they need it… and for as long as they need it.
Because it is essential to support them until the result
All integrated employees benefit from comprehensive training: because even if they are experienced, they need to know us better in order to integrate permanently
Our trainers provide each one with personalized support at all stages of formation: because richness is born of difference: each person must reveal his or her own qualities and capacities.
At Access we believe that customer satisfaction is achieved at all stages of a project, and more particularly when it is modeled: It is from there that we must know how to keep the right course, control risk and bring value
We take care of the creation of production methods and supports: scripting, monitoring, optimization, control, evaluation tools: our job…… is to allow our customers to focus on theirs.
Our internal consultants, whether dedicated or shared, are responsible for supporting the development of skills and the performance of our teams.
The quality unit checks all or part of the contacts processed (depending on the operational model and the expectations of our customers) and ensures on a daily basis that the speech is in conformity with the strict respect of customer, regulatory and legal requirements… so that the creativity and initiative of our employees and managers remains an added value… controlled.
Copyright © 2019 Access Téléservices
N° 37 angle avenue de France et rue Melouya,
Agdal, Rabat MAROC